TFB (The Fastline Bikademy) was formed out of a shared passion for ‘all things bikes’, held by two retired elite racers; Julia ‘Indi’ Boer and Roger Derrick.
It started as a once weekly skills coaching session for kids and has grown into a full time business, now catering for beginners through to world championship level athletes. This has been made possible because of TFB’s 50 (plus) years of collective biking experience, much of it at the cutting edge of national & international competition.
These highly qualified bikers have an extraordinary amount of knowledge and experience to offer and it is through TFB that they are able to share that. They possess relentless enthusiasm for helping every client to achieve their full potential, whether that person is a total novice or a national level athlete.
TFB is constantly growing, thanks to the input and support of TFB’s many clients and because of Indi & Rog’s hunger for further knowledge and willingness to venture onto new ground.